
depression***Always take any thoughts or talk of suicide seriously! If you or someone you care about is suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the U.S. at 1-800-273-TALK or visit IASP or Suicide.org to find a helpline in your country.*** 


Coming soon!


What is Depression?

Back from the Bluez: Coping with Depression (information, strategies, suggestions and learning modules)


mindful        undoing

cognitive        dog

depression        ashes


Mental Health Christian Support Group – This is a Christian based mental health support group on Facebook. You do not have to be a current believer to join the group but understand that Christian topics and prayer are the foundation of this group.  This is a closed group so the group members are the only people who will see any of your likes, posts or comments.  Your friends will not see your activity unless that friend is also a group member.  I am the group’s primary Admin.

Depression Forum at Psych Central – This is an online forum for depression information and support.  I am not an admin in this group.

Grief and Loss Forum at Psych Central –  This is an online support forum for persons coping with grief or loss of a loved one. I am not an admin of this group.


Disclosure As you can imagine, bills related to medical treatment and therapy for any mental illness can mount pretty quickly.  The incurable nature of Bipolar means that I will be treating for the rest of my life.  This blog helps offset those costs by providing a small amount of income for my family.  When you purchase any of the books above through this site, I will receive a very small commission from the sale.  It costs you nothing extra to purchase through these links – and you will have my undying gratitude! 🙂

Disclaimer:  I am not a physician, a doctor, a counselor or a therapist, nor do I claim to be.  I do not work in, nor am I affiliated with, any aspect of the health, psychological, or pharmaceutical industries.  None of the information above is intended to diagnose, treat or fully inform you of anything health related, mental or otherwise.  This information should never take the place of a doctor or therapist.  The links above are topics that I personally think might be important, that I find particularly interesting, or that appeal to my quizzical nature.  I willingly admit that I do not know everything (although it would be pretty cool if I did) so understand that any information you find here is in no way intended to be a definitive source for any topic.  While I may include or discuss information related to my treatment or things that I or others have tried for management of symptoms, please do not attempt, initiate, suspend, or terminate any treatments without first discussing it with your doctor.  We are all different and we all respond to things differently, including treatment.  Whether these treatments were or were not successful for others is not an indication of how they might affect you.  Be reasonable, be cautious and use common sense.

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