
March 2013

EA1407_all-american-beef-tacoBoo:  Mom, did you hear ’bout that restaurant that burned down in S-ville this morning?

Me:  Yes, but I haven’t heard which restaurant. How do you know about it?

Boo: Our bus goes by there on the way to school.

Me: Oh, okay.  So do you know which restaurant it was?

Boo:  I can’t ‘member… hey! You know that restaurant where we had the tacos…? It started with an “S…”?

Me:  Salsaritas?

Boo:  Yeah, that one!

Me:  Boo, Salsarita’s is in L-ville, not S-ville…

Boo:  Oh, good!  It didn’t burn down.  I like their tacos.



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