
Disclaimer:  I am not a physician, a doctor, a counselor or a therapist, nor do I claim to be.  I do not work in, nor am I affiliated with, any aspect of the health, psychological, or pharmaceutical industries.  None of the information above is intended to diagnose, treat or fully inform you of anything health related, mental or otherwise.  This information should never take the place of a doctor or therapist.  The links above are topics that I personally think might be important, that I find particularly interesting, or that appeal to my quizzical nature.  I willingly admit that I do not know everything (although it would be pretty cool if I did) so understand that any information you find here is in no way intended to be a definitive source for any topic.  While I may include or discuss information related to my treatment or things that I or others have tried for management of symptoms, please do not attempt, start, suspend, or terminate any treatments without first discussing it with your doctor.  We are all different and we all respond to things differently, including treatment.  Whether these treatments were or were not successful for others is not an indication of how they might affect you.  Be reasonable, be cautious and use common sense.

Disclosure:  Many of the links on this blog will lead to a third-party retailer, usually Amazon, that sells the product. Any time you make a purchase through any of those links, my family will receive a small commission.  (No worries, it costs you nothing extra!)  You will have my undying gratitude!  (Seriously, how cool is that?!)

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